Illustrations and portraits featuring animals! Prints and fine art canvas come mounted and will need to be framed. Metals and Canvas Wraps come ready to be hung on your wall.
Pretty In Pink
Flamingo at sunset with soft pink haze. Mixed media art perfect for adding a peaceful addition to any room.
The original capture of this bird was taken in Yellowstone on a wet morning just before the massive flooding in spring of 2022. I changed the setting and painted in some rain and other details. It remines me so much of Edgar Allan Poe's poem, The Raven.
Highland Hair Don't Care
Mother highland cow with calf. Mixed Media Art.
Lean On Me
Baby racoons against a tree trunk. Mixed Media Art.
Gibbon swinging on a vine holding a nut. Mixed Media Art.
Standing Tall
Barnyard rooster standing tall. Mixed media art.
Please Sir, Some More
A fantasy image featuring an Oliver Twist story. The little racoon begs for more food as his bowl is empty. Mixed Media Art.
Sharing Is Caring!
Illustrative image of children with their pets having birthday cupcake for their dog's birthday. Crumbs on the ground show that the dog has already ate his cupcake and he's now trying to convince the boy to share his. The cat isn't interested in what she was given and would rather have what the girl has.
Just More Bad News
Illustration of a Frogmouth bird sitting in his home reading the newspaper. The paper contains funny articles that I believe could be in a woodland newspaper.
Dinner Date
Grizzly bear enjoying a meal while a raven waits nearby hoping for some scraps.
The Guardian
The bald eagle in this image is an injured bird who lives in a wildlife park in Nebraska. I painted him into a scene where I imagined he could be free and soar as I'm sure he dreams of. The scene in the background is part of the Grand Teton Mountains found along the Cascade Canyon trail to Solitude Lake.
Circus Runaways
Fantasy art piece of a group of friends who have left the circus and ran away back to the jungle. Mixed Media Art.
Is It Naptime Yet
Great Pyrenees puppy laying on a chair using a book as a pillow. Portraiture.
Backyard Visitor
Little squirrel visiting a yard. Mixed Media Art.
Just Winging It
Buzzer singing away at a karaoke bar.
Barnyard Royalty
A rooster puffing out his chest as a chicken approaches.
That's NOT Very Ladylike
Giraffe with a grasshopper by ear being her conscience.
Spotting His Prey
Looking into the shadows he spots his prey and locks on.